McGowan Development: Project Management in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, McGowan Development was founded to develop an outdoor amphitheater, marina, and solid waste transfer station on a closed landfill site. Situated in an
abandoned rock quarry, founder and CEO Mark McGowan designed the proposed Burnsville Amphitheater to hold 32,500 concertgoers, 15,000 cars, for over 50 major summer concerts. With docking space for
over 100 boats, the proposed marina was immediately adjacent to the amphitheater on the Minnesota River at Interstate 35W.
Lake Harriet Bandshell, Burnsville Amphitheater, Norwood Young America Paviion
With many successful projects in the Twin Cities, McGowan Development is best known for its Lake Harriet Bandshell Restoration, and the rebuild of the historic Norwood Young America Paviion.
Saving city taxpayers nearly $650,000, the Lake Harriet Bandshell restoration was lauded for its "all volunteer, completely free" restoration. In this unprecedented free restoration, McGowan
Development brought together services, products, and labor of nearly 50 businesses and over 200 volunteers. To celebrate the successful restoration, Mark McGowan organized a day-long free concert,
called Lake Harriet Live!, featuring diverse musical genres and the Minnesota Orchestra.